
What is Crackathon?

Crack climbers are historically oddball, non-conforming, think-outside-of-the-box sort of people. So we’ve created an event to showcase their finest qualities.

Crackathon is a competition that rewards creativity, humour, artistry, and problem-solving skills, as well as using those well-honed crack and off-width techniques that we love. The categories we’ve created give rough guidelines for the challenges, but we hope you’ll make each challenge your own, bringing your own unique background and strengths to the table.

Because the competition awards many qualities beyond physical power and even climbing experience, there will be equal opportunities for both crack newbies and crack aficionados to come out on top. So this event is truly for all the crack climbing community to join and enjoy with their mates. Futhermore, we hope that the open-ended questions each category poses will leave room for you all to push the boundaries of how we define climbing and the metrics by which we judge our success in the sport.

Us filming each others cracks

Who are we?

We're Vicky, Mel & Steve, climbing buddies who have bonded through our mutual love of crack and off-width climbing. We also share a somewhat silly, chaotic and irreverent sense of humour, which has led to all sorts of climbing antics on days out. Crackathon is our attempt to spread the joy!

Vicky, Mel & Steve in The Last Forgotten Art by Jessie Leong